Create a remote GSuite from a public repository (track selection by data-source)

The tool provides a structured search for genomic tracks stored in the following repositories:

The tool generates a metadata file in the GSuite format which contains the URL and other metadata associated with each of the track files that match the search criteria. To use the tool, please follow these steps:

  1. Select an attribute from the attribute list to search with
  2. Select the value associated with this attribute from the associated attribute list
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to filter using more attributes
  4. Select whether to compile a GSuite using:
    • All rearch results
    • Present results as a file list and have the option of selecting a subset of those result to compile the GSuite
  5. Specify the format of the output (gsuite for GSuite or HTML for a more human readable format)


Even though this tool can be used to build GSuite compilations of any files, the resulting GSuite file will be more usable if the files are somewhat homogeneous in file format and/or track type.

Format of GSuite output file

Location: remote

File format: unknown, text

Track type: unknown