Note on Genomic Tracks:
We refer to a genome-scale dataset of coordinates relative to a reference genome as a genomic track. We base this term on UCSC genome browser, and in short, any data that can be viewed at the UCSC genome browser is a genomic track. A range of genomic features come in this form, such as those generated by ChIP-seq (histone modifications, transcription factor binding etc.), those generated by various chip platforms (e.g. methylation arrays, SNP arrays etc), and various features annotated based on DNA sequence characteristics or other forms of evidence (e.g. RNA data mapped back to genomic DNA). Essentially all data from projects like ENCODE, Roadmap Epigenomics and FANTOM 5 are of this kind. Data come in various formats, for instance, gff, bed, wig, vcf, bam or gtrack.